Friday, February 4, 2011

The Boog Bath Bomb

The Boog Bath Bomb is a very unique bath bomb. It has a lovely smell. It also has "fireworks" as lush calls them inside the snowman head that are a mix of a bubble bar and a bath bomb that create little fizzing frothy mountains of colour on the surface of the water. It makes the water look very pretty and I really enjoyed the "fireworks". I think itis one of the best parts of this bath bomb. Since this is a Christmas product it is currently on sale so if you have never tried it think about picking one up. I think they are very cool and will definatley use them again.


  1. So this is one of my FAVORITE Christmas bath bombs (well besides Jingle Spells). I just used my last one the other day. :( Lush actually has a patent on it!!

  2. Yeah it is very cool. I didn't know they had a patent on it though. Thats pretty awesome!
